Thursday, March 11, 2010

Out of Print Clothing

I found this website called Out of Print Clothing.  I can't remember how I found it--you all know how this crazy Internet works.  It ain't called the world wide WEB for nothin'!  You just keep clicking away and clicking away, and you get lost in the labyrinth of all the information.  (Ha!  Labyrinth--fancy word!) But it truly is amazing what you can find here.  Time mysteriously disappears as you enter the maze and before you know it, it's dark outside and you're starving because you've been glued to your computer screen all damn day! Wow....where did that little tangent come from?  Well, it's true---web surfing is a time doubt about that!

Anyway, Out of Print Clothing is an awesome online shop that sells tee shirts displaying the covers of some of the greatest classic pieces of literature of all time.  If you love books and you love to read, you're with me on this one.  Out of Print is not just all about the shirts though...they are terrific people who want to spread the joy of reading.  They have a partner, Books in Africa, and for each shirt they sell, one book is donated to a community in need.  How cool is that, I ask you? 

Here are a couple of my favorite shirts:

This one is "Streetcar Named Desire."  One of the greatest plays EVER!

There are tons more titles to choose from, so go check it out.  Their site is

So go be literary!  And support books, because with all this new technology, I'm  afraid they'll become obsolete.  I love books.  I love holding them, reading them, smelling them, collecting them, and reading them again.  And now I get to wear book covers on my body!  How cool is that?


Amber Rae said...

This is super cool!

Anonymous said...

I like books, too. One of my favorite, my little Barnes and Noble Rhyming Dictionary, has pages falling out, and I have to keep the pages together with a rubber band. The shirt shop sounds really neat. Thanks for the interesting blog entry. -- MikeB