Monday, May 4, 2009

Running uphill...

So, today was a day full of minor disappointments. Two projects I was hoping to come through, did not. I take a breath and start again. But I am wheezing a little bit, so breathing in itself is a little difficult these days. Ahhhhh... it's called LIFE, folks. No one said it would be easy, right? Right? Can I hear an "Amen?"

Good news is, I got another article published on the web today. This one is about my beloved Spin class. Best workout ever. I love spinning. So, I've got a few more articles pending...hopefully, they'll be published soon.

Today felt bumpy though...creativity was a bit elusive. I realized a long time ago, that you can't wait for inspiration, but it sure does make life and writing easier when the muse appears. Dollface...where are you?? Muse of my heart...don't leave me now! Ok...gotta stop...I've been in front of this screen all day and only slightly productive. It's quittin' time folks and I'm yearning for an adult beverage....see ya on the flip side...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Today is September 6, and I have read your 10 articles on and have enjoyed all of them. How about some more. They are fun to read, informative, enlightening, interesting. - Mike B.