's been almost two months since my last blog. Shame on me. If I had any dedicated followers, I may have lost them due to my negligence. Sorry folks. It's been kind of a whirlwind. Right now, I'm sitting in a Panera Bread Cafe still in Orlando, and planning to stay through the Christmas holidays with my amazing, generous and loving friends. It feels really, really good to be in their company! Sending thanks to the Universe for that one!
The Triangle Logic experience exceeded my expectations. I was here for a week of rehearsals before opening, and certainly there were some ups and downs...but hey...that's what rehearsal is for. I love the rehearsal process and I learned a lot...not just about the play, but about the nature of work in was very enlightening. The actors were every playwright and director's dream. Each one of them brought so much to the piece and it was truly wonderful to see them living in the world of the play...I was very impressed, very flattered, and very grateful. Thank you Brooke, Trent and Mason...I hope our paths cross again.
Opening night...what can I say? I already said it. It exceeded my expectations. The audience was tremendously responsive, and afterwards, during the talk-back session, they were tremendously supportive of the piece. I loved the feedback...thoughtful, inspiring...really, I couldn't have asked for a better experience. It's the sort of thing I would like to bottle and take out from time to time to feel those feelings again.
You would think I'd be all gung-ho to continue to work on the latest project...but frankly, I'm feeling numb. I guess I just need to put this year to bed, sort out the cobwebs in my head, and move forward when January comes. I enthusiastically say goodbye to 2009....I did not like this year. There! I said it! Goodbye and good riddance. I have made a public announcement that 2009 (with the exception of this last month) SUCKED! On to the next. Undoubtedly, there will be more hills to climb, but I'm getting very strong and I think I can handle it. At least I hope I can.
Anyway, this will probably be the last post of the year, so those of you who are hanging in there, and staying with this blog, I wish you a beautiful, peaceful and joyful holiday season! I hope 2010 will knock your socks off and bring you everything you desire! That's what I'm hoping for myself, and I happily extend those sentiments to you as well. I lift my glass in anticipation of what the future holds....L'Chaim everybody!! Here's to a new year and a brand new decade...let's rock!