Yesterday I pulled into a parking lot and when I got out of the car, there were broken pieces of green glass neatly piled on the perimeter of the parking space. It appeared that some kind-hearted person didn't want anyone driving over broken glass and puncturing the tires of the car. Thank you, kind-hearted person.
But here is the interesting part: I didn't immediately think, "Oh no...broken I'm gonna get a flat tire..." I thought, " beautiful...look at all the lovely emerald gemstones on the ground."
It was a very childish was a very idealistic thought...but spotting all that shattered green glass made me feel very happy for some unknown reason. My attitude toward the glass surprised me. My perspective had changed. I wasn't thinking I was staring at some broken Heineken bottle...I was thinking..."that is quite enchanting!"
No, I did not stoop down and fill my pockets with broken green glass. But I did let my gaze linger awhile, noticing and appreciating its beauty. More importantly, I surprised myself and I love when that happens. It's a rare thing!
It's not that big a deal, this seemingly meaningless incident. But to a writer, we have to notice everything. And small occurrences such as this one are gold. Or in this case...emerald!